Buffalo State Lyceum Project

Welcome to the Buffalo State Lyceum Project

July 26-30, 2021 via Zoom


Inspiring young minds to think for themselves and inquire about the world.

Open to all students via Zoom in 2021!


Following our successful 2019 program, we are continuing the Buff State Lyceum on Zoom!

Dates: July 26-30, 2021 from 2pm-4pm

The BSL aims to provide a space for students in the Buffalo area to be introduced to philosophy for three reasons:

1) the benefits of learning and doing philosophy have been shown to be helpful in developing writing skills and critical and moral reasoning;

2) exposure to philosophy should not be limited to those who are able to attend college; and

3) the diverse student population in Buffalo allows the program to engage students from various educational, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds rather than solely recruiting students who may already be privileged in our community.

We cover issues relevant to middle and high school students, including Ethics, Friendship, & Technology; Justice and Society; Why should we care about truth?; What is the meaning of life?

Click Join Our Program to enroll!



 2019 Flyer

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